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Supervisor/Employee Training
Education Catalog

HR & Safety Training Catalog

Our Educational Services and Risk Management Team has been developing talent and creating safer workplaces since 2006. Over the decades they’ve helped tens-of-thousands of local businesses become better and safer.


HR General Topics

Our team of dedicated HR Specialists provides professional human resources guidance and support to clients 365 days a year to assist with understanding ever-changing employment laws, handling employee issues, and planning employee development.

Consultations on these topics are provided as needed, either by phone or virtual option. Little to no advance scheduling is necessary. Listed below are the most common HR-related topics that our specialists discuss with business owners and managers.

Addressing Absenteeism
Identify root causes of employee absences from work, including habitual lateness. Discuss tools to clarify policies, document facts, and carry out disciplinary action when necessary.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) & ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA)
Review workplace policies and provisions for employees with disabilities. Discuss ways to address disability-related issues and requests for accommodation in the workplace.

Avoiding Workplace Discrimination Claims 
Create a plan to help prevent potential claims of discrimination using employee education programs and discipline procedures.

Change Management 
Understand key strategies to prepare for organizational changes and care for employee morale.

Dealing with Conflict in the Workplace
Address root causes and effects of employee conflicts in the workplace. Focus on appropriate steps, including employee coaching, counseling, or discipline.

Disciplinary Action Procedures 
Properly document and manage employee disciplinary issues. Know procedures for both minor and major types of misconduct.

Diversity & Sensitivity in the Workplace
This seminar shows how respectful workplace behaviors create a positive and safe working environment. The content examines potential causes of inappropriate behavior, reviews policies governing employee behavior, and promotes a workplace culture that improves both teamwork and customer service. No licensed materials.

Employee Performance Reviews 
Effectively evaluate and record employee performance data to encourage and reward, or correct behavior. Set goals for the next year.

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) 
GINA prohibits discrimination in employment based on genetic information. Understand the impact of GINA in the workplace and learn how to be compliant regarding employees’ genetic information.

Handling Terminations Effectively 
Discuss ways to determine if an employee relationship can be salvaged or if termination is the proper course of action. Review proper document requirements and best practices of employee termination.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 
General training on the basic responsibilities that HIPAA requires “covered entities” to follow. This training is geared toward employees in health care and related industries.

Motivating Difficult Employees 
Develop and implement effective motivation strategies. Understand how to give effective feedback and create valuable documentation.

Understanding the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) 
Keep up with changing requirements! Know how and when employees must be paid and when paying overtime wages is required. Follow the state and federal regulations to determine either exempt or non-exempt status.

What Managers Need to Know About Benefits-Related Leave (FMLA, TDI & Workers’ Compensation)
Learn regulations affecting employee leaves of absence such as family medical, military, disability, or workplace injury leave.

Pricing by Service Plan
For HR Advantage clients: HR consultations are free of charge.

For HR Options clients: HR consultations are billed at $150 per hour.


Professional Skills Advancement Series

Designed with all employees in mind, the Professional Skills Advancement series covers a range of topics useful for employees of all levels. Delivering six hours of learning, participants receive a certificate after completing all three courses. Courses may be taken in any order.

PSA 1: Accountability at Its Best
Accountability: It’s something that all managers want from their employees. But what does it really mean? And how do you become accountable? This course helps participants define and recognize accountability in themselves and others, and provides tips on improving their accountability at work. (No licensed materials; HR Options, $60.)

PSA 2: Communication in the Workplace
Communication is key in all of our interpersonal interactions. But often, we are not trained in communication skills, let alone in a professional setting. Participants will learn the importance of both delivering a clear message and active listening, and how the absence of either can lead to miscommunication or worse. Participants will also learn key pointers for good phone and e-mail communication. (No licensed materials; HR Options, $60.)

PSA 3: GREAT Customer Service & Professionalism
Customer service skills and professionalism aren’t just for customers; having excellent customer service skills can help you in your professional relationships as well. Participants will learn how to provide internal and external customers with great experiences, including how others’ perceptions may differ from your intentions, and the steps to “getting to yes.” (No licensed materials; HR Options, $60.)

Pricing by Service Plan

For HR Advantage clients: Where noted there is a nominal cost for licensed materials.

For HR Options clients: Class fees are $60 per person per module in addition to licensed material cost.

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